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What We Do

People have the power to find their own solutions

We lead. We support. We collaborate.
Our ProcessWhat We Do

Our Process


Only quality data to inform all program components


Informed by science and best practice at all times


Careful consideration of all options in prioritising


A phased approach resulting in a structured plan

Ethics and Values are central to our process for both Leadership and Employee Engagement


Make accountability clear and personal


Organic development based on participatory & consultive approach

Ethics and Values are central to our process for both Leadership and Employee Engagement


A phased approach resulting in a structured plan


Governance structures inclusive of all relevant stakeholders for continuous improvement


Ensure monitoring & evaluation indicators are in place


Make accountability clear and personal


Ensure monitoring & evaluation indicators are in place


Governance structures inclusive of all relevant stakeholders for continuous improvement


Organic development based on participatory & consultive approach

People & Organisational Development

We believe that within every human being is a leader – whether they lead with a title or not. People lead themselves, they lead families, community groups and teams within companies. We believe that as the leader within people gets inspired and enabled, organisations begin to function more wholeheartedly and effectively.

Organisational Wellness & Safety

We support our clients to live wellness and safety as a non-negotiable value rather than a tick-box exercise. We do this by driving holistic health and safety initiatives knowing that in the absence of wellness, safety is always compromised. We take a multi-disciplinary approach, partnering with our clients to care for and empower their people on a long-term basis. Our award-winning interventions have helped many of our clients reach their safety and wellness goals.

Organisational Wellness & Safety

We support our clients to live wellness and safety as a non-negotiable value rather than a tick-box exercise. We do this by driving holistic health and safety initiatives knowing that in the absence of wellness, safety is always compromised. We take a multi-disciplinary approach, partnering with our clients to care for and empower their people on a long-term basis. Our award-winning interventions have helped many of our clients reach their safety and wellness goals.

Community Engagement & Collaboration

Stakeholders Relations Management (SRM): Yes – this is something we specialise in, but we don’t call it that. We call this Community Engagement and Collaboration (CEC)

We support and enable our clients to engage and collaborate productively with their community of stakeholders both internal and external. Through a process we call Community Analysis, we work to understand the complex dynamics that exist in and around an organisation. We collaborate within various structures and co-create deep, systemic strategies that unlock value and drive ownership. As we learn how our client’s stakeholder ecosystem functions, we can tap into the collective wisdom inherent in that system and provide the context and structure for it to function optimally.

This may include assisting with a client’s Corporate Social Investment mandate and we are passionate about ensuring that this is delivered in politically, socially, and economically informed ways.

We believe that we contribute to the spaces we find ourselves in

Simply put, if we want to see change, we need to do something about it. So, for us to truly live Inspire. Enable. Grow we need to model the way for those around us.

This is why, as an organisation, we are committed to developing young people in our country. We believe that when young people are given the chance to Inspire. Enable & Grow anything is possible.

We believe that we contribute to the spaces we find ourselves in

Simply put, if we want to see change, we need to do something about it. So, for us to truly live Inspire. Enable. Grow we need to model the way for those around us.

This is why, as an organisation, we are committed to developing young people in our country. We believe that when young people are given the chance to Inspire. Enable & Grow anything is possible.

When you partner with us a minimum of 1% of what we earn goes towards one of the following organisations aimed at developing young people:
• Dikwayo Primary School
• Bonisanani Primary School
• Ngconga Ngconga High School
• Action in Autism

We have committed on average 8 hours of our time and skills every month focussed on developing young people in these organisations to Inspire. Enable & Grow.

Developing young black South African psychologists. As part of the mandatory HPCSA psychology internship. We have committed to taking on an intern psychologist every year to complete their internship with PeopleSmart.

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